How the Kings of Egypt became Pharoh In the land of Shinar, a wise and kind-hearted man named Rikiy struggles to support himsel...
How The Peacock got feathers with many eyes Once upon a time, in the vibrant jungle of Africa, there were two best friends: a peaco...
The Adventure of the Coconut Boy In the heart of the Amazon, where the mighty river flows, lived a boy named Raul. His home was nestled...
The Golden Peaks Once upon a time, nestled amidst the magnificent Alps, there stood a range of mountains called "The Golden Peaks...
Near Lake Malawi Once upon a time, in a small village near Lake Malawi, there lived a young girl named Waitipaso. She had just passed ...
RatAlex Order a copy of RatAlex on Amazon Once upon a time in the township of Alexandra, there was a bustling city of rats called R...
On Saturday afternoon Once upon a sunny Saturday afternoon, Mr. Naidoo and his daughter, Reshnee, loved going to the mall together. As t...